Jillian Aurora

Dec 14, 20202 min

Accountability is LOVE

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

If I say I’m committed to being honest and you catch me lying, DON’T be PATIENT with me.

If I say I’m committed to being real and you catch me being fake, DON’T be PATIENT with me.

If I say I’m committed to being healthy and you catch me dishonoring my body, DON’T be PATIENT with me.

If I say I’m committed to loving myself and you catch me saying hateful things about myself, DON’T be PATIENT with me.

If I say I’m committed to honoring others’ choices and you catch me manipulating someone to behavior the way I want them to, DON’T be PATIENT with me.

If I say I’m committed to honoring others’ property and you catch me stealing, DON’T be PATIENT with me.

If I say I’m committed to kind words and you catch me calling names, DON’T be PATIENT with me.


One of the worst lies we have told ourselves is that love requires endless patience and tolerance when people are trying to change. We tell ourselves these changes TAKE TIME. We tell ourselves difficult things like this can’t change overnight. We tell ourselves we are proving our love by WAITING and continuing to put up with unacceptable behavior until they are READY.


The most loving people in my life are NOT patiently waiting for me to keep my commitments. They are bold enough to QUESTION ME when my BEHAVIOR does not match my WORDS.

Changed behavior is a DECISION. Honesty is a DECISION. Authenticity is a DECISION. Kindness is a DECISION. Self love is a DECISION. It doesn’t require TIME. It requires a COMMITTED DECISION.

When you are interested, you’ll do what is convenient. When you are committed, you’ll do whatever it takes. ;-)

I do not want people in my life coddling excuses keeping me from living at my potential. And I refuse to coddle excuses in others I love.

It’s time to drop the idea coddling, patience, tolerance, and babying are loving. THEY AREN’T.

You want to reflect the highest representation of love? Be brave enough to call people out, have honest discussions, and set boundaries. Hold people accountable for their behavior instead of letting subpar standards slide.

This honors me. This honors you. <3

