Jillian Aurora

Jun 5, 20202 min


Updated: Nov 10, 2020

If you’re loyal to Black Lives Matter, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to All Lives Matter, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to the police or military, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to Trump, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to Obama, Biden, or the DNC, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to a political party, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to a religious ideology, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to a cause or movement, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to the CDC, news station, or any other form of information source, check yourself.

If you’re loyal to friends, family, or a social group, check yourself.


The most DANGEROUS thing is to think we got it right and now we’re good.

When we are SO LOYAL to a person, movement, cause, or organization we think they are beyond questioning, we turn our discernment OFF.

Love, you are BUILT with an AMAZING inner guidance system. Your inner boss - your Divine intuition - is the ONLY one that deserves your wholehearted loyalty. Your loyalty to YOURSELF keeps you true to your values, self love, and love for your neighbor.

When we allow our loyalty to get HIJACKED by someone else, we have given up our ability to make conscious decisions. We begin making BLIND decisions, motivated by our full surrender to a cause, group, or leader.

It is when we give our unquestioning loyalty to someone or something else that genocides happen. That dehumanizing everyone outside of our own group happens. That unthinkable atrocities happen.

The bravest thing is not questioning your “opponents” positions and beliefs. The bravest thing is questioning your own alliances and their positions. The bravest thing is going INSIDE to LISTEN to your own inner boss, even when that voice tells you something that may cause discomfort, rejection, and criticism.

Your way is the best way for you. It always was.

Be brave enough to be true to you, always.

You’re a fucking WARRIOR GODDESS. Act like it.

