Jillian Aurora is committed to research and scholarship about the history of women's mysticism and skepticism, as well as how social hierarchy impacts women's beliefs.
After spending the last decade producing courses, workshops, and support groups for women suffering the effects of indoctrinated patriarchy, Jillian decided to indulge her curiosity by critically studying the history of women's socially tolerated beliefs.
Jillian is currently enrolled in the MSc history programme at The University of Edinburgh, where she is studying the persecution of women due to religious extremism, superstition, and patriarchy. She hopes to use this research to better understand the link between systems of belief and the pressure of cultural gender roles. Jillian is passionate about the historical education of the public to empower them to make more consciously informed decisions about their future. ​​
The future of this research is bright! Jillian plans to use her historical scholarship to advocate for equal access to education and offer historical education to the public through community education programmes.
If you are particularly interested in Jillian's graduate research at The University of Edinburgh, there are a couple of ways to support and stay informed. ​
Jillian keeps her Patreon members informed of each personal and academic update and you can follow her journey there, if you want to hear every intimate detail.
If you are interested in sponsoring Jillian's research, Jillian is offering sponsor recognition placements on her website, emails, social media, and personal merch, for those who make research pledges at or above $1000.